Want to be an Active Advocate?

Want to be an Active Advocate? Join an Event Committee or become a Lead. Get involved! Email us at Chicago@OxfamActionCorps.org


Who we are

The Oxfam Action Corps is a group of dedicated volunteers in more than a dozen US cities who campaign with Oxfam to fight poverty. Our current campaign focuses on climate change and its effects on the world’s poorest communities. Learn more about Oxfam’s climate change campaign. As volunteers, we receive ongoing support from Oxfam, including campaign materials, policy strategies, and advice on community organizing. Each city has two trained volunteer “co-leaders” who welcome and orient volunteers throughout the year.

In Chicago the co-leaders are Jackie Jaimes (left) and Christina Bronsing (right). Come meet us, we need your energy and input! We want to hear from you - why do you want to see a more just world, what that would look like? We can help plug you in to some opportunities in Chicago to be a part of creating lasting solutions to poverty and social injustice.

From showing up at a one time event to being a core part of planning our efforts here in Chicago, there are many po
tential ways you can get involved:
  • Concert outreach
  • Tabling at festivals
  • Lobby visits to local legislative offices
  • Come to a monthly activist breakfast
  • Help organize a hunger banquet
  • Dropping literature off to key locations
  • Host a house party
  • Write a letter or editorial
  • Help get petition signatures
  • What ideas do you have?

What have we been up to so far?

Since the training in Washington D.C. in early April, the Chicago Action Corps can chalk up:

  • Lobby visits on Capitol Hill with Sen. Durbin's office, Sen. Obama's office, Rep. Gutierrez's office and maintained contact locally since
  • Concert outreach at 5 venues
  • Gathered OVER 1,000 petition signatures in one day at the Green Apple Festival
  • 2 Walks for Climate Justice, involving 65 volunteers
  • Tabling at Chicago Fair Trade Day
  • Another 1,200 signatures over 2 days at the Green Festival
Thanks to all the volunteers who have been a part of making this happen.. it couldn't be a reality without you.
Come get involved!
Email us at: chicago.oxfamactioncorps@gmail.com

First Person: Voices, video, and photos from Oxfam's fight against poverty